Myth Fest

Project Summary

Mythfest is a UX design test project. I designed a website on Figma for a fictional 2-day urban legend convention in Pittsburgh, PA. The goal behind this project was to encourage users to make their own myths while they peruse the details of the event and purchase tickets.


My test site was inspired by SCP where community members create detailed witness accounts of fictional encounters with mythological beasts or paranormal phenomena. I wanted the convention to function as a space for everyone to explore their imagination, while maintaining a safe discourse around myths and conspiracy theories.

I wanted my design to feel playful and fresh, from the cartoonish bigfoot to the hyper-realistic images I created using AI (Midjourney). The site's focus was to create a submission form for users to enter their own myths into a contest. To do this, the user follows prompts to inform us of their first-hand encounter. If the user gets stuck they can ask for some creative aid from an AI assistant. Once they've finished, the site offers them a digital review card of their myth as a keepsake. It is also automatically entered into the Myth Fest competition.